Recreation: A Conference & Exhibition – 30th-31st March 2012

We are pleased to announce that our annual conference title will be ‘ReCreation, where we hope to explore the dynamics of art, faith and practice through lectures, discussions and a complementary exhibition. As The Holy Biscuit Community continues to grow to incorporate a wide range of artists from a variety of ages, backgrounds and training, this will be an important weekend to continue to develop a community of people, better equipped and inspired, to transform the North East (and the rest of Britain for that matter) into the new creation that Christ calls us into. Although the conference is primarily aimed at those who are wrestling with what it means to be a Christian and an artist, this is also a space for anyone in the creative arts to further reflect on their making and have the opportunity to ask questions about our responsibility as artists.
We are excited to be co-hosting it this year with Morphe Arts – a national network of Christian artists and designers who are passionate about seeing emerging artists (especially recent graduates) making good work, collaborating and pushing the boundaries of professional practice.
Save the date. We hope to see you there!