About Us
Housed in a specially refurbished Methodist Church, Holy Biscuit is an arts organisation based in Shieldfield, Newcastle, operating on the intersection of contemporary art, theology and community activity. More often than not these worlds function in their own spheres without much interest in or knowledge of each other. Holy Biscuit brings them together under one roof.
HB builds on the rich heritage of Methodism in the North East, by committing to social activism, creativity and theological reflection. Through our diverse programme we examine and wrestle with faith along with other social, political and cultural strands and themes and seek to live out our values by creating a hub of transformational creativity and a place of welcome, contemplation and discussion. We seek to nurture an active and credible Christian presence within the arts by curating and supporting an engaging, high quality and challenging programme of exhibitions, workshops, meals, events, screenings, faith activities and discussions.
HB works with people of all faiths and none – artists, schools, universities, charities, churches, community groups, artistic collectives and other partners – to deliver our vision through a variety of creative projects. We welcome collaborations with like-minded organisations or individuals.
What's On:
Shieldfield Community Football
Painting for Fun
10am - 12pm & 2pm - 4pm