Call for Proposals: Exhibition Opportunity at The Holy Biscuit

The Holy Biscuit is partnering with Northumbria University’s Think Physics project and artists, for an exhibition and events to coincide with The Late Shows. This show will be an artistic interpretation of the science behind the sun, marking 2015 as the UN International Year of Light. We are looking for artists who are interested in exploring ideas of light in their practice.
Artist’s Brief
It takes 8 minutes 20 seconds for light from the sun to reach the earth, forming the basis for life on our planet, this enormous effect has been recognised since prehistoric times. Through artist interpretation and scientific exploration, this show will look at how the sun creates light and how we interact with it.
We are inviting individuals of groups to respond to this theme. We seek original ideas for installation, films, paintings, photographs, interactive art or sculptures. This is an exciting opportunity for young, emerging or establish artists to showcase their work to our Late Shows audience and beyond. A fee of £150 is available for selected artists. We will accept submissions of work in any stage of development, but we are unable to cover the cost of materials for new work.
If you would like to be considered, please send two sides of A4 including:
- CV and contact details (including samples of existing work)
- An outline of your proposals and how it responds to the brief
- Details about your piece(s) ie size / media / requirements
- Supporting images
The call is open until Friday 20th March, work to be completed by end of April, please submit your proposals to:
Amy Warmington, [email protected]
Please get in touch for further information or guidance.
EXHIBITION: 15 May – 6 June
LATE SHOWS: 15/16 May